Sunday, May 26, 2013

On the search for the PERFECT foundation in the history or foundation creation!

For the past 4 or 5 months I have been on a precise hunt for the perfect foundation there possibly is out there. I have tried so many! I feel like a foundation whore in the making. No, seriously. I tried Nars, Estee Lauder, Chanel, Benefit, Clinique, Elizabeth Arden, Maybelline, Dior, Korres, Laura Mercier, Urban Decay, Lancome, Bare Minerals, and possibly more. So.. out of all of those I finally tried YSL's Le Teint Touche Eclat, and let me just say.. love at first sight! I really fell in love with it.. I had never really liked the "dewy" or "glowy" look as far as foundation goes, I mean I don't have oily skin more like dry skin but when I tried this foundation on it was amazing. It was just all over glowy and radiant and I really liked it. I also liked that once I was done applying it my face wasn't overwhelmingly "shiny" or that it didn't have that sticky feeling. I decided not to powder it to see how it would last throughout the day, and it held up really well. One more thing I loved about it was how it didn't crease or get all icky around my nose. It's not just me right? This happens? Well this one didn't do that and that was a positive in my book. The coverage was definitely not a full coverage more like light to medium, which is okay because with a bit it will look flawless. It also covers pores very well which is something I tend to really look for in foundations. I was really happy with the foundation, but it was a tad bit too light for me so I decided I was going to buy the B50 shade instead of the B40, but.. when I went into Sephora to purchase it number one they didn't have the B50 shade. Bummer! :( And Two, I had always heard amazing things about the Makeup Forever HD Foundation and my friend and I had just spoken about trying it so.. I caved and had it tested on me. I came home, tried it on the next day and I was heartbroken because now I can't decide which one to purchase!!!!!!!! I liked the Makeup Forever one, I loved the finish most of all it wasn't super matte nor super glowy more like velvety. Which I believe is what they advertise it as. It looked so nice I wanted to run my hands all over my face.. so I did. It felt really smooth and nice to the touch, it also didn't crease around my nose which made me very happy. It's definitely a medium to full coverage if you use the correct amount of it, and it also covers and conceals pores really nicely. One other thing I really loved about this foundation was the fact that I needed no concealer. This was truly a shocker to me because this was around finals and all of that studying time and it was hot and I was stressed which meant, hello breakouts! Yet, it covered everything so nicely. I kid you not, didn't even touch my concealer. The only downside again was that the shade was way too dark for me, but I made it work. I don't have any negative comments about it. It didn't really break me out neither did the YSL one and I do have very acne prone skin. That's not the end of it though, I went ahead and went to mac to purchase a lip liner, and new lipstick. Bought myself Cherry lip liner, and Girl About Town lipstick. While I was there I got tested for their studio fix foundation in the color NC 25 I think, but I'll actually be an NC 20. Regardless, I had never really liked Mac foundations because they always seemed so cakey and just overdone. I made a huge mistake trying it and bringing some home though because I love it so much! Sometimes it will slightly crease around my nose, but it doesn't make me shiny and doesn't cause me to break out. I do have to be very careful when applying it though because you can definitely apply to much if you aren't careful. So the coverage can definitely be medium if you use a lighter hand and definitely full coverage. This is not a light coverage foundation. I really love the literally flawless look it gives though, it's pretty amazing. I do find myself needing to add concealer though because I don't want to apply too much foundation in a super tiny area. It covers pores nicely, but it takes more time and "technique" to do so. So now, this seems like a love triangle between my now favorite foundations. What to do what to do? I think I'm buying all three to be honest! I just can't decide! Anyway.. here are some pictures on how they look.

- Jocie <3

I didn't have a good picture of the Makeup Forever HD foundation :(

 This is the Mac Studio Fix in NC 25

Really bad quality picture but this is the YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat in B40

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Good Bye Finals! Spring 2013 Semester.. Check!


YES! I did it! I finished the semester off! I'm so super excited! Besides excitement though, I am VERY thankful! Last semester fall semester was somewhat of a wakeup call for me. I just had so much anxiety something I never really had. It was overpowering and I don't even know how I managed to overcome it without having to take any medication.. but I did! And I am very happy, and thankful to God and my mom and little brother for always being there fore me and helping me out. All sad stories aside though, this semester was brutal! Between Microbiology, and Calculus the almost nonexistent social life I sometimes like to imagine I have was literally nonexistent. I'm usually drowning in homework, assignments, and pretty much having to study. I also took Geography but that was easy piecey. Isn't finishing a final the most amazing feeling ever, yet the worst when you know you have two more or three or whatever amount you have left to go? When you walk out of that room you are DRAINED.. and you know you better recharge ASAP because you have to probably most likely CRAM for the next one. Oh my goodness! I actually had to skype one of my good friends in order to study for our Calculus 3B final. Can you believe it?! The freaking professor gave us about 115-150 "potential final exam questions" so, since we knew exactly those would be on the test I tried to memorize ALL of them. It kinda backfired. Haha, I get to the test and it's awful! Brutal.. to the point where I am hitting my head with my pencial, and shaking my head, and doing the weirdest things which I wasn't aware of until I left the final and looked back at the time. What a weirdo! Anyway, I don't think I've ever been in a math exam for which I can't even make up the answer. The questions seemed so foreign and just alien looking to me. I felt like I was reading another language I couldn't understand. I found final done in 40 minutes with the things I did "think" I knew. After that it was some weird ass things. I literally COULD NOT even remember what I had studied to even lie, or make up an answer, or simply write something to not leave the pages blank. I hated that feeling. I usually do really well on exams, I'm what you might call a huge nerd haha. It's okay I love it, I've learned to embrace the fact that yes, I love school and books and learning and above all science! Biology classes rock my socks, pants, pretty anything it can possible rock or float.. or whatever. :) but I did it and I finished and right about now all I want is to pass the damn class and be done with calculus and pretty much math for the most part. I don't even understand why in the effing world I need calculus if I'm a Biology major! I won't even get into that, or into the tragedy of the commons because I will write over 1,000 words.

Although I'm very excited to have finished the semester.. above all I am exhausted! I was a bath, some pizza, some youtube and tumblr time (which I recently discovered.. I know right?! What?!) and of course sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to see Fast & Furious 6.. I think it's 6. I don't caaaareeee! I don't have to constantly work out my times, have a schedule, set alarms, and plan every single second of my day according to my school assignments. Tomorrow I will buy popcorn, and candy, and take extra long actually doing my make up! That will be exciting! Well.. I'm leaving know I'm literally going to go take a shower eat pizza and just lay in bed until I get sleepy.

