Sunday, March 10, 2013

Random Blogpost: My Pet Peeves

My Pet Peeves

Oh my gosh! Words can not explain the happiness I feel in my heart! <3 I am so thankful to God because he always helps me so much. Gee I just want to celebrate.

So what is a pet peeve? A pet peeve is defined as: "... a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it."

I wanted to blog about my biggest pet peeves. I feel like I have a couple that seriously just really get to me and upset me so much! I also believe that I embody some peoples biggest pet peeves myself because of the way I am. So I will begin.

Chewing with your mouth open: Why? Why do people do this?! I don't understand! It just annoys me so freaken much, it's disgusting and despicable I believe. I have seriously gotten to the point where I will be sitting there eating and someone starts to do that.. and I want to cry or yell at them because it upsets me so much. I get so angry because it's so annoying! I usually don't want to say anything because its someone I know or care for or I'm close to, so it makes it awkward for me to be like, "Hey, shut your freaken mouth! It's gross and annoying to hear you chew your food, nevertheless be able to see you do it." You know? I just have gotten to points where I have to get up and leave because it angers me so much that I want to cry =/ ugh. Needed to get that off my chest.

Sipping or sucking on food: WHAT THE HECK?! I don't wanna hear you such on your meals, like sure a sip of coffee or tea here and there not all the time and super obvious and CONSTANT! Stop.. why must you continue to do this?! Didn't your parents teach you table manners?! Ahhh.. I gotta not talk about this anymore.

Things I do that might bother people: I know some peoples pet peeves are things such as people who never reply to text messages or who reply with one word texts. DING DING DING DING DING! I'm that person! I don't know why.. before when I was in High School.. which is not even long ago.. I would text 24/7. Like seriously, my mommy had to get me an unlimited everything plan because she couldn't keep up with my brilliant texting skills. Soooooo......... I would send up to 5,000 text messages in a month.. to me that's excessive. I look at it now and I hardly text and last time I checked I had sent around 1,500 text messages. I'm the person who will text you because I haven't heard form you in a while and then I will stop texting back. I will forget and reply two or three days later and that's if you're lucky! I understand this really bothers some people. To top it off, I don't stop there.. If I indeed reply to you I will reply with one word text messages. Have I really annoyed the hell out of you now? Yeah, I will be like "Yes. No. Okay. Me too. Maybe. Idk. Bye. Night, Morning. Yeah. Mm. Cool. Nice. Cute. Same. Omg. Lol." Now I have really pissed off quite a few friends by being like this, but my question to you is.. would you rather I change? Would you rather I send you a super long text message and not mean what I say. Would you rather I incorporate bullshit words into my text messages just to enrich the content of it, and try and fool you by allowing you to believe I spent a long time texting back. Like I just did? My point is.. why do you get so upset? If I'm replying I obviously care about you to an extent.. right? Calm down. Sometimes I get busy, but I think about you and then I text you and reply.. then I get busy again and I repeat it. Basically although the way I text might bother why do you flip out so much? It's not like I want you to send me 10 page text messages either, I don't demand that of you.. you shouldn't either relax.

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